For Sale: 1939El Knucklehead. This Bike Is Located In Iowa Usa
1939EL Knucklehead 円高還元!エキゾースト、ツールボックスを除いてはほとんどオリジナルのパーツで正しくレストアされて居ます。現在の為替レートであればお支払方法によっては日本渡しで800万円代で可能です!月内にアイオワ州現地からのレポートも可能です。オリジナルのツールボックスも別料金で分けて貰える可能性もあります。日本での登録及び整備は当店でも、お近くのショップでも構いません。045-982-2222
For Sale: 1939EL Knucklehead. This bike is located in Iowa USA. Was $75k US, Now $72k or offer. Cash talks! I can sell this 39 world wide and I can introduce an American shipper. PM me about details. We can talk on the Instagram or Facebook messenger or iPhone free, Call +81-45-982-2222 at American dinner time.
#flathead #knuckleheads #panhead #shovelhead #vintageharley #harleydavidson #originalharley
For Sale: 1939EL Knucklehead. This bike is located in Iowa USA. Was $75k US, Now $72k or offer. Cash talks! I can sell this 39 world wide and I can introduce an American shipper. PM me about details. We can talk on the Instagram or Facebook messenger or iPhone free, Call +81-45-982-2222 at American dinner time.
#flathead #knuckleheads #panhead #shovelhead #vintageharley #harleydavidson #originalharley