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Menyusun File Di Hardisk Dengan Auslogics Disk Defrag

Auslogics Disk Defrag yaitu sebuah software yang sanggup anda gunakan untuk melaksanakan defrag atau penyusunan kembali harddisk di pc anda dengan otomatis. Jika anda tidak pernah melaksanakan defrag pada harddisk anda, maka usang kelamaan komputer anda akan berjalan dengan lambat, bahkan sanggup mengakibatkan kerusakan pada harddisk anda. Nah dengan melaksanakan defrag pada harddisk, maka semua file yang ada di dalamnya akan disusun kembali dengan rapi, sehingga windows anda sanggup bekerja dengan lebih optimal.

Salah satu software yang dibentuk khusus untuk menangani hal tersebut yaitu Auslogics Disk Defrag ini. 

Software Auslogics Disk Defrag ini dibentuk khusus untuk menangani disk defragment pada komputer atau laptop anda. Cara penggunaannya juga sangatlah mudah, alasannya yaitu tampilan antarmuka dari kegiatan ini cukup sederhana. Satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan dikala anda melaksanakan defragment yaitu komputer atau laptop anda dihentikan mati. Karena kalau komputer anda mati dikala proses defrag, sanggup mengakibatkan kegagalan pada sistem windows anda maupun blue screen.

Using an antivirus to ensure a smooth and proper functioning of your computer is not enough. Every now and then it is a good idea to check your hard disk drive for errors. Your operating system comes equipped with utilities that enable you to perform such tasks, but you may also use more advanced applications such as Auslogics Disk Defrag.
Lightweight and easy to use

Surprisingly, the application does not use a great amount of your system's resources in order to do its job. Putting it to the test, even with priority set to high, you can still continue working on your projects, while the application performs its tasks.

The interface is cleverly designed to let nearly anyone accommodate in a jiffy. A list displays connected storage devices, to which you can perform several operations, found either in the toolbar, or right-clicking on the desired device. Additionally, you can integrate these features in the explorer context sajian for enhanced ease of access.
Schedule events for better time management

One of the most important features the application comes equipped with is the scheduler. Once enabled, you are able to fully customize when and what should be performed. You can set the application to run its processes when the computer is idle for a given amount of time, daily, weekly, as well as monthly.

Besides basic defragmentation, the application lets you run an optimization process, considerably increasing your hard disc drive's efficiency. All features can also be applied for both integrated or removable drives.

A real time display of the memory sectors is shown, and you can carefully analyze what is going on when a process is put in motion. Accessing the options sajian lets you customize the way clusters are displayed and you can choose different color schemes or have bars displayed instead of squares.
To end with

Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Auslogics Disk Defrag is a neat utility you might want to keep around, especially because of the integrated scheduler. Take caution during the installation process though, because you might end up with other applications installed as well.

Defrag and optimize
Free space consolidation
System files smart placement
Keeping the MFT reserved zone clear
Single file or folder defragmentation
List of fragmented files
Auto-defrag mode
Scheduled defragmentation
Customizing disk defrag
Multiple languages

Auslogics Disk Defrag? Download disini